Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy2024-05-09T18:49:30+10:00
 Naturopath Anti-Ageing Specialist  Ayurveda  Remedial Massage  Kinesiology Bio-field Therapies Thermography

How We OBJECTIFY Your Treatments

We have longed to bring some external objective science to your treatments in an effort to clarify just what is going on at the cellular level for this is where the ‘rubber meets the road’ so to speak.

Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Analysis

Please allow me to introduce to you

Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy analysis or BIS.

This technology is THE MOST ADVANCED on earth in breaking down:

Muscle, Fat, Fluid and Bone

to within 60 gm of their mass.

The 'Phase Angle' of Cells

Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS) Analysis

The device we use at our Health & Eternity Clinic is called a ‘SOZO’ BIS device and is CRITICAL for objectifying our general wellness customers and our Anti-ageing specialty customers by keeping a close eye on body composition.

In a strictly non-invasive way, you simply stand on the device in bare feet and hands to gather accurate data about your physiology.

Our primary interest lies in something else the SOZO device can very accurately measure called PHASE ANGLE MEASUREMENT (PA).

PA is a mathematical term derived from the arc tangent of the ratio of the cell wall reactance divided by cell resistance, expressed in degrees.

PA essentially is a broad measure or Snapshot of cellular charge AND how efficiently your cells clear toxins, nutrients, fluids, etc across cell membranes AND IS AN EFFECTIVE indicator of your cellular Biological Age.

For example a normal teenager would have a PA of some 9 1/2 degrees and a normal 60 yo would have a PA of some 5 degrees with a person near death OR seriously ill below 3.8 deg.
In BIS terms a 1 degree shift in PA represents around 10 years of living.

Why is the Phase Angle so important to us?

Normally to change your Phase Angle by diet, exercise, supplements, and nutrition it takes months to shift by just some 0.5 degrees and this would be the case for a 25-year-old, but for a 50+-year-old it would take twice as long.

However, with special treatment therapies, your cells and the cell walls may be ‘charged’.


We believe it may be possible to shift your PA by a minimum of 0.5 degrees in a short period of time. 

Using our objectification methods including both the SOZO device and Thermography (CRT 2000®) we may be capable of addressing:

Healing, Regeneration & Rejuvenation processes.

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